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Below you will find:

  • Annual course plans (preview of upcoming courses).
  • Links to quarterly lists of course offerings that are approved for the major or minor
  • Link to comprehensive course catalog.

Annual Course Plans

Previews of upcoming courses offered by Study of Religion (RELI) and 10 affiliated departments. Annual course plans are subject to change.

Study of Religion (RELI) 2024-2025

RELI courses may be used for the Arts & Humanities distribution requirement, except RELI 101. Course plan is tentative and subject to change. Please visit our affiliates' websites for lists of interdisciplinary offerings (see below).

Fall 2024
RELI 1 Introduction to Religion Kalleres
Winter 2025
RELI 101 Tools & Methods in the Study of Religion Rahimi
Spring 2025
RELI 150 Religion and Cinema Rahimi
RELI 189 Seminar in Religion Rahimi

Study of Religion (RELI) 2023-2024

RELI courses may be used for the Arts & Humanities distribution requirement, except RELI 101. Course plan is tentative and subject to change. Please visit our affiliates' websites for lists of interdisciplinary offerings (see below).

Fall 2023
RELI 1 Introduction to Religion Kalleres
Winter 2024
RELI 2 Comparative World Religions Kalleres
RELI 101 Tools & Methods in the Study of Religion Rahimi
RELI 188 Special Topics in Religion Kalleres
Spring 2024
RELI 150 Religion and Cinema Rahimi

Arts & Humanities Affiliates

Social Sciences Affiliates

Course Offerings

 Quarterly lists of courses that can be used for the Study of Religion major or minor. 

Course Catalog

Comprehensive list of courses that may be used for the Study of Religion major or minor.

Course Catalog