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Summer 2024 Courses

  • List is subject to change; courses may be added before the quarter begins.
  • Majors and minors must take courses for a letter grade.
  • If you identify a course being offered (and not listed below) that focuses on religion, please submit a petition. Email the petition form and a course syllabus or description to for review.
  • Courses designated "by petition" may be used for the major or minor; but a petition is required; submit the petition to upon enrollment.
  • Courses that focus on a single religious tradition are designated as follows: (B) Buddhism, (C) Christianity, (EA) East Asian, (H) Hinduism, (I) Islam, (J) Judaism, (P) Paganism.

Use the EASy portal to submit requests to enroll in restricted courses.


Applicable to Minor only
MMW 11R Prehistory/Ancient Foundations LE Herbst
MMW 12R Transforming Traditions LE Herbst
SOCI 1 Introduction to Sociology LE Thorpe


Arts & Humanities
HIEU 104 Byzantine Empire (C) LE 494510 Crum By Petition (for single tradition)
LTWL 100 Mythology LE 494569 Myerston
RELI 145GS Communication, Tech & Religion LE 519817 Rahimi
Social Sciences  
ANAR 153 The Mysterious Maya LE 487222 Braswell
ANSC 120 Religion and Culture LE 494251 Bialecki
POLI 110A Citiz & Saints:Plato-Augustine LE 495155 Staff
POLI 110B Sovereigns,Subj & Modern State LE 495156 Wiens
SOCI 100 Classical Sociological Theory LE Payne
SOCI 157 Religion/Contemporary Society LE 496793 Jules-Rosette
SOCI 160 Sociology of Culture LE 496794 Payne